Welcome To Lee's Custom Lumber

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Where can you find us.

We setup at Riverside Trade Days on the second and fourth weekends.

We are open 9 - 4 on Friday 9 - 5 on Saturday 9 - 4 on Sunday.

Riverside Trade Days location is

State Hwy. 42 and Harrison Road, Longview, Texas

What We Sell

Custom made plaques and signs

Lumber for your woodworking projects. Cedar, Walnut, and other wood's that come available.

Special cut shaps and sizes.  Cedar Tree cookies of various sizes, diagonal cuts for table tops.

We make Custom plaques and signs

Custom signs and plaques made to your specifications. Bring your Ideas and we will design them on the spot and give you a picture of what they will look like.

We do cut out designs for your craft projects. We stock some designs and you can design your own.